Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Adventure Begins...

Over the last year I have been trying to get in to table top RPGs. More specifically the big 2: Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder. I have a bit of a crazy schedule and I kinda live in the middle of nowhere so finding a group to game with has been a challenge. I have some gaming friends who have invited me along to their games but it never seems to work out. I have even looked at doing online meetup games or play-by-post and that has not really panned out well either.

I have the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set and the Pathfinder Beginner Box and have played through the solo adventures. I think I prefer Pathfinder so I am sticking to it right now. After getting frustrated with not being able to game with others I have made a decision: I am going to game alone. I am a one man wolf pack. Since I can't seem to work out a schedule with anyone else I am going to embark on a solo journey and see where it takes me. I have found several solo adventures from DriveThruRPG and have a pretty sweet app with all the Pathfinder books on it.

This blog will document my experience as a solo gamer. I will be serving as both Game Master and Player for my adventures. My first few posts will be reviews of both beginner boxes as I begin my journey. Stay tuned...